PCOM, Class of 2007
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, class of 2007
The Master of Science (Traditional Oriental Medicine) is a four-year graduate program. With 178.5 units and 3307.5 credit hours of theory and clinical practice, graduates are eligible for the California state licensure exam, as well as the national certification examinations, which enables students to become licensed in the remaining states that regulate acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
Master Herbalist and lineage holder Dr. Zeng Rongxiu with Dr. Arnaud Verslyus, circa 2011.
Diplomate of Classical Chinese herbal medicine
Kate earned her Diplomate status with the Institute of Classics in East Asian Medicine, studying under the master-teacher and mentor Dr. Arnaud Versluys. The course is a rigorous study of the Shang Han Lun and Jing Gui Yao Lui, the two most important founding texts of Chinese herbal medicine. This training allows Kate to treat each patient with individualized herbal formulas based on pulse diagnosis. Kate continues to devote time and effort into study of the classics.
Certified Acupuncture Injection Therapy and Additional Continuing Education Credits
Kate sometimes treats patients with injection therapy. There are homeopathic remedies that can be injected into the body to speed healing (illicit a quicker change), and give the body some additional resources for healing. A common homeopathic injectible is Traumeel.